As with the game of horseshoes;Pick the 2 best finishers in the next race,receive the ringers;3+3=6  any pick in the top 5 receives 1pt.;receive 2 leaner pts.for gettin' close!                         example;pick the 2nd&3rd place finishers receive 2pt.each,for a total of 4                                                  example;pick the 2nd&4th or 5th finishers receive 1pt,for a total of 3                                              example;pick the 1st&3rd place finishers receive 2 leaner pts.for a total of 5                                   play weekly or for the whole season.                                                                                         as this is a new site 1st tourney will begin when the "chase"starts!                                                                     COME ON!!! show us how it's done!!!